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Minibots use block pieces to build, create and program robots. Students will be introduced to and understand the basics of robotics and coding. Students will build 17 robots over a 17 week period (one class per week). 


Pieces will not be included in the course fee. Pieces and robotic sets will be kept at the robotics centre.  


  • Withdrawal/Refund Policy

    Withdrawal/refund requests is accepted up to the start time of the first class of the program.  The credit balance of unattended course fee will be refunded less $50 administration fee. Refund will be made by cheque or to the same credit card of payment. After the first class of course, no refund request will be accepted. 

    Contact us

    Email –

    Phone  – (905)-458-5208

10830 Bayview Ave, Suite 212, Richmond Hill, ON, Canada, L4S 1L7



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